Kudos to the 23rd batch of SSC giving 100 % result 



About School

Alphonsa School is an unaided English Medium School recognized by the State Educational Board of Maharashtra. It is one of the undertakings of Sangli Mission Society (vide Reg. No. F/3827), which is registered as a minority religious, educational and charitable society, governed by the members of minority Catholic community.

The Constitution of India in its Articles 29 and 30 protects the cultural and educational rights of the minority communities. Article 29 of the Constitution of India protects the interests of the minority, especially regarding their language, script and culture. Article 30 ensures the right to establish and administer Educational institutions by the minority communities. Amongst the aims and objectives of the Sangli Mission Society, education is one of the principle agenda. Saint Alphonsa School always strives to maintain high academical standard, quality, values and Godliness in education. Importance of education has been understood as of primary importance since education helps everyone to discover own identity and destiny. It enables each individual to realize fully and effectively. Saint Alphonsa School has a definite, but participatory role to play in this ongoing process.

Alponsa School is a Catholic institution and it is an academic community, characterized by shared vision, responsibility and mutual love. Saint Thomas school is managed by the members of a catholic minority community and is committed in integral education of all students irrespective of any class, caste or creed. It stands for a just and human society.

The Department of Education, Sangli Mission Society, strives to achieve the highest development of the man in his/her totality, by imparting sound education, irrespective of class, caste or creed. It follows the guidelines laid down by the Vatican Council II in its decree on Catholic Education.

"All men of whatever race, condition and age, in virtue of their dignity as human persons have an inalienable right to an education corresponding to their proper destiny and suited to their native talents, sex, cultural background and ancestral heritage. At the same time this education should pave the way to brotherly association with other peoples, so that genuine unity and peace on earth may be promoted. For, a true education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to the good of those societies of which as man, he is a member, and In whose responsibilities as an adult, he will share" (GE1).