Kudos to the 23rd batch of SSC giving 100 % result 




1. Welcome tothe New Principal and Vice Principal
                     As perthe transfer orders from the Sangli Mission Society, Fr. Deleep Nalannadiyil has taken over charge as Principal of Alphonsa School on 12/06/2020 and Fr.Robin Thaiparambil as the Vice Principal of the school on 21/06/2020 in the presence of the superiors of SMS and the Manager and staff members of Alphonsa School.Both of them had a warm welcome to the school.
2.Online classes
                   The online for Std X started in the month of April and for Std IIIrd to IXth began on 8th June 2020. The offline videos are snt to the students of LKG to IInd standard from July 2020 onwards.
3. Felicitation to the Sisters
                       The loving and dedicated sisters, namely Sr.Flora and Sr.Maria SMS are transferred to Keerla and Shahuwadi respectively.In recognition of their valuablee contribution at Alphonsa school, Miraj, a small felicitation ceremony was organized on 26/06/2020 in the Principal's cabin.The sisters were felicitated with a token of love in the form of bouquets. The words of appreciation and best wishes were delivered by the Principal, Fr.Deleep, in the presence of the Manger Fr.Francis Thottumarickal, the Vice-Principal Fr.Robin Thaiparambil and few teachers.
4. A New Appointment
                   The young,experienced and a dynamic teacher of Alphonsa School, Miraj, Mr.Jestin Xavier was promoted to th post of the school superisor on 29th June 2020.
5. Virtual Meet of Corona Medical Team
                   A meeting was conducted on Zoom App by the teachers of the Corona Medical Team, headed by Mr.Vijay Dhumal. Rev.Fr.Deleep and Rev.Frr.Robin attended the meeting.
6. Media Recognition
                Alphonsa School, Mirj always stands in the forefront, when it comes to serving the students. Though the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the smooth functioning, Alphonsa School has tried its level best to import education though media. The news related to the online classes of Alphonsa School were featured in the popular Marathi Newspapers like 'Janapravas', 'Kesari' and 'Sakal' on 18/07/2020.The news clipping contained the pictures of the Principal and the Vice-Principal.
7. Patroness Day Celebrtions
                Patroness Day(St.Alphonsa Day) in this year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was rather a quite affair. The prayers were offered in the church by the priests and nuns of the Alphonsa parish in the presence of a handful of people.As the part of celebrations, an article on the life of St.Alphonsa was featured in some Marathi newspapers which was authored by the Pincipal, Rev.Fr.Deleep Nalanndiyil.
8. Independence Day Celebration
               The 74th Indepndence Day celebrations took place at Alphonsa School with great fervour, in true patriotic spirit on 15th August 2020. The programme of flag hoisting took place amidst a handful of teachers and the school management comprising the School Manager, Rev.Fr.Francis, The Principal, Rev.Fr.Deleep and the Vice-Principal, Rev.Fr.Robin. The tricolour was hoisted by the hands of Rev.Fr.Francis.The programme commenced with Rev.Fr.Francis. The programme commenced with Rev.Fr.Robin wishing evyone on the historic occassion of India and extended a hearty welcome to everyone. The assembly was addressed by the principal Fr.Deleep with his apt message saluting the warriors who are fighting at the borders and the other warriors like the Doctors, the policemen and the other health workers who are putting their lives at risk in order to protct us all. 
9. Teachers Day Celebrations
                 5th Sseptember, the birth anniversary of Dr.Sarvapally Radakrishnan, celebrated as Teacher's Day, the dy, when every teacher's contribution is acknowledged, Alphonsa School, Miraj, decided to all eviate the stress levels of the techers by bringing about an entertainment program over the Zoom platform. The cultural department of the primarysection took the initaitive and orgnized th colourful vents for the day.
10. Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations
                2nd October, the Birth Anniversary of the two great Indian leaders viz. Sri Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri, the second PM of free India celebrated at AlphonsaSchool on 02/10/2020. In view of the Covid-19 situation, the school held a simple function to pay homage to the iconic leaders which was attended by the School Management, a few teachers, a few teachers and couple of sudents. The guest of honour for the day was Rev.Fr.Binish Kizhakkeparambil who kindly agreed to gace the occasion,strictly followed SoPs of the government.
11. Competitions for School children
                     In the pandemic situation, when the air around the school and city is filled with gloom and dismay, the much needed break was the only solution to cheer up the teaachers and students. So Alphonsa School in hand with Rotary Club, Miraj conducted a lot of competitions for udents as well as for teachers. Most of the students came up with colourful results and in every month our school students ar participating in inter - schoolcompetitions.conducted by Rotary Club, Miraj. 
12. Rosary Devotion
                     In the monthof October, Alphonsa parish, Miraj is having special Rosary devotion. The forane parish priest Fr.Francis Thottumarickal has arranged Holy Mass, adoration and recitingof osary in the morning by strictly following the Covid preventing laws of the government.
13. SSC Board EExam Result of 2019-2020
                    As every year in 2019 - 2020 also Alphonsa School Miraj came up with colourful result in the SSC Board Exam. Out of the 151 students who wrote the exam, 136 studnts hve Distinction and 15 students have the First class. 73 students have above 90% result. The first three toppers are Kum.Rajmane Aastha Pramod (99.60%), Kum Pawar Amulya Sudhir (99.40%) and Kum.Sabne Aditi Raju (98.20). Congrtulations to th school management especially to the former Pincipl, Rev.Fr.JoshyVazhakattu.
14. Drawing Competition for Techers on the present Pandemic Situation
                  As everytime our dedicated teaching staff had a drawing and poster competition on the topic Corona and Online teaching. Most of our teachers took active part in tis competition. The winners of this competition were
1. Mr.Vinayak Dixit      2. Sr.Christy Mary        3. Mr.Vijay Dhumal       4. Mrs.Clara Bardeskar     5. Mrs.Snehal Vasagedakar
15. Common Meeting of the Teachers of Alphonsa School, Miraj
                  A common meeting of the teaching staff of Alphonsa School, Miraj was held following the SOP norms strictly to discuss about the Online teaching and the Term 1 exams to be held ahead.